Get Involved with ELTS


Five committees have been created to manage the work of the ELTS in the following areas:

  • Curriculum and Assessment
  • Professional Development
  • Publications
  • Web and Technology

ELTS members with individual member status can apply to join a committee by submitting an online in which they commit to working in that area for 1 year. Commitment will involve a demonstrable contribution at any level to the work of the committee.
Committees meet as required by particular projects and are organised by a Committee Manager. The manager co-ordinates the work of the committee and reports to the Executive at meetings where s/he presents plans, discussions and decisions by the committee for endorsement.


There are a possibility of 9 Executive positions elected by the membership. These consist of

  • President
  • SecrELTSry
  • Treasurer
  • Branches Officer
  • Vice President
  • 3 Directors
    One of these is to be nominated President Elect.

The Executive meets at least four times a year to

  • oversee the management of the association
  • endorse directions of and provide advice on issues and progress of committees

Interaction of committee members with elected representatives

The Executive meets biannually with chairs of committees to develop, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the strategic plan.
Meetings of executive and committees take place four times a year to

  • Report on the implementation of the ELTS strategic plan
  • Engage in professional exchange and development

ELTS personal members can be nominated to stand for election to the Executive by faxing a nomination form to the ELTS